Gosh what a busy weekend!! it really started on Friday when we were asked by younger daughter Sarah to take her two children to their swimming lesson - she had booked them into a lesson a day for a week and this was the last one. They went to the local school that has a prefabricated open air pool on their premises. The children had great fun, lots of little ones were haveing lessons - two teachers taking different abilities - and our two were in the pool at the same time, one with one teacher and one with the other. (I have photos and will do them later).
We took them home to our house and gave them lunch and while we did so our eldest son Kevin came in for lunch too.....we had barely finished when eldest daughter Jackie came in with her friend Sue, to see the quilt top I had made. Then of course eventually MummySarah came in from work to pick up the children.....she had a headache so after some asprin she went and had a laydown in the guest room. They all went eventually around 4pm..........we were shattered.....but I had to go and get ready to go out with ex work collegues - we were celebrating one of the girls 70th birthday.
Saturday for me was a lot calmer - I had a day of lace making with friends - lots of chat and laughter - but poor ole 007 had to pack the car and caravan to take away on Sunday.....5 chairs and a table, tent, camp beds, duvets, pillows, 5 bikes, 5 bags of clothes etc etc........
Thank goodness Sunday was a lovely bright sunny day - a good start to a holiday for three teenagers and their Mummy and my youngest son Stuart.......we took the caravan to the New Forest for them and between us we parked it and put up the awning in record time.....erected a small tent inside the awning for the two girls (Ashley and our Charlotte) to sleep in and I watched while they made up the camp beds - what a performance! the legs are sprung and they kept coming out of the holes they fitted into...but their 'little room' was ready - finally! - the lad (Tom)was sleeping inside (behind the curtain!) and was very possesive of 'his bed'. We left them about 5pm and trundled home - we decided to eat somewhere on the way home and came off the motor way and went through Chandlers Ford to find a pub.......finally found one we liked the look of when we got to Otterbourne. Then we stayed on the A roads the rest of the way home going through Winchester and Basingstoke. We saw quite a display of the 'Balloons over Basingstoke' festival as we drove through - lots of beautiful balloons still flying in a clear evening sky........lovley end to our day.
....and today is a recovery day I should think. Sounds like you had a good time though.
Phew, I'm exhausted just reading about it all! Hope you're having an easy one today.
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