Tuesday, 9 June 2009

What all the trouble were for!

This little hedge is what all the trouble with our phones was about - 007 cut through the cable with the spade. The cable was just under the surface of the grass/weeds and not in a protective covering!
As 007 was mowing ours and next doors grass most of the time he thought a little hedge would mean that he only had to mow our little bit - as he is getting older mowing becomes harder! The shrubs are box and we will allow it to grow to about 2 foot - may be three - we will see.
I also thought you would like to see the philadelphous (sp?) I though it looked like a star - most of the year it is a shaggy mess of a bush then suddenly in June it is beautiful and smells superb. Really worth putting up with the untidyness the reat of the year.

1 comment:

QuiltSue said...

It looks such a harmless little bed doesn't it?

I love philadelphous, and yours looks superb, I can almost smell it from here