This is one pattern from the quilt top I found this morning, the whole quilt is shown at the bottom of the picture.
Each block is about 15" square! and as you can see there are 12 and they are set on point ! So a very large top - too large for me to cart around to meetings......It is one of the Piece of Cake designs and I loved putting it together even this block with all those little circles - the instructions were so easy to follow.
I have found something smaller to take to meetings - it is a lap size quilt and with simple quilting it will be easy to do while nattering (picture another day)
Dh is complaining his neck is painful and put him off his snooker game this afternoon - even with pain killers - hope it doesn't last like this for long, poor love!
Hi Granny, I'm just catching up with blogs, I'm sorry to hear DH has been in the wars, I hope he feels better soon. This is one impressive quilt top, when did you make it? How are you planning to quilt it? I can't wait to see it! The caterpillar quilt looks fun too, sounds like you're going great guns down there, despite the various wobblies thrown at you recently.
Hi Sewali, that is the trouble with this quilt top - I don't know what to do with it.....it needs something special in the way of quilting - I may have to try and handquilt it, it is too large for me to cope with on my machine.
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