Monday, 26 May 2008

Rain and more rain

What a dreadful weekend - so much rain. The garden I took a delight in a couple of days ago is looking very bedraggled! I admit that we did need the rain but not a months in one go.

This morning we had a frantic call from our youngest daughter - she and her family are having an extension built on the back of the house to enlarge the dinning room (that is a small one story extension already) and give them a fourth bedroom with an en-suite upstairs.

The builders have reached the stage where the roof and ceiling came off the extisting extension a few days ago and they are now almost at roof level with their brick work. There is a large sheet of board between the kitchen and the original extension for security and to day the rain was pouring through the building work and seeping under this board and flooding the kitchen.

We went armed with mop and bucket - wellies and raincoats - and a huge bundle of old towels!

Son-in-law had gone to the local building merchants and bought some sacks that soak up water and swell (a bit like a building nappie) and had placed them at the bottom of the security board - and they were working - hooray!

Husband and Son-in-law went up the scaffolding armed with a large roll of black plastic sheeting and proceeded to lay it on the the rafters, holding it down with breeze blocks. Hopefully this will stop any more rain getting in to the house!

Being out in the rain has not done my Husband any favours - he has a sore throat and is now feeling quite poorly! I think this has been 'cooking' for a couple of days and now it is really making it's mark felt. We will see how he is tomorrow.

The fact that I can't get out into the garden has had one good thing - I have done a lot of sewing on the quilt going into the Festival of Quilts, and it looks as though I am on schedule to finish it by the middle of June.

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