Thursday, 22 May 2008

Wanderers return

The show at Malvern was not very busy early on Thursday morning but became busier as the day went on. There didn't seem to be as many quilts as usual - at least not in the Marquee - I wonder if everyone now waits till August and puts their quilt in Festival of Quilts show? I enjoyed what I saw - there were some spectacular quilts and some more ordinary one (the ones I could acheive if I wanted to) The overall winner was based on 'the tents of Cairo', and was beautifully appliqued and quilted.
I had a nice meeting with Sew-Ali on Saturday lunchtime and we showed each other our purchases, and gossiped and gossiped an gossiped! (nearly didn't go back to the show) - I had bought a Moda Jelly Roll in browns and oranges and the book from the Quilt room in Dorking to help me with ideas on how to use it. I also signed up for a block of the month with Antique Angels to make a teddybear quilt for Grandaughter Emily, for when she goes into her 'big bed' next year, she has nearly outgrown her cot.

We brought the van home on Monday - had a little bother getting it on our drive as the guy opposite had parked his lorry opposite our house again! (a big irritant in our cul-de-sac) but we managed in the end. Now to clean it.......we had parked it under a May tree! with a willow close by - the petals and pollen from both trees is all over the van - in the vents and stuck to the roof!
I have managed to clean the dead flies from the front (you kill hundreds while travelling and they stick real hard!) but the roof will have to be Brians job - I just can't reach - not even with our high ladder!
Our trip home in the middle of the week was intersesting - Brian thought he would be just dismissed by the Consultant - but no! he gave Brian an ECG and wants hime to have a CT scan and other stuff done - but we have to go to Charing cross hospital for one of the tests. We have the appointments for the begining of July. He seems fine in himself but I think his memory isn't as good as it was - little things - you know! Looks like we are going to have a busy summer................

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