Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Strange things in the compost!

I knew that these were the only things growing in the green house, as they have self sown themselves from last years plants. BUT!

Well! Really! - I went to put the kitchen waste into the compost bin (usually himself's job) and see what I found - I wonder if there will be anything at the bottom of the bin for me?

We have not been doing much in the way of gardening this year - to many trips away! We have managed to keep the grass mown and the weeds pulled but we have not put the greenhouse to use this year - perhaps it's just as well - we had so many tomatos last year that we didn't know what to do with them all - Ok I made soup and pickles and froze some whole (for caseroles) but there are only so many that you can manage to eat.

I have been doing so much sewing that the tops of my fingers are quite sore but I have at last finished the quilting and am now nearly finished putting the binding on ( I have sewn the hanging sleeve in with the binding this time) now for a label and it is ready for festival of Quilts in August! (this is another reason for not having grown any veg). I must now chose a fine day and wash the quilt to remove all the blue marker pen - when that is done I will take another photo and show you all how it looks.


BilboWaggins said...
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Sewing Granny said...

I will bring some with me next week - some of the crop that Kevin gave me the year before last. Just incase they don't take I will bring some of this years crop to Birmingham in August - if they are ready - I also have some pale lavender ones in the garden but they are not in flower yet.

Kath said...

I've had red and green loose leaf lettuces coming on one of my allotment beds. I dressed the bed with home made compost and I vaguely remember ditching a gone-to-seed lettuce in there last autumn. I've potted up a whole seed tray of them - some red and some green. A free bed of lettuce. Now that I like! Love your poppies though. Aren't free plants just the best?

Sewing Granny said...

I often find tomato plants around my garden - threw a rather rotten tom in the compost heap one year and the seed keep showing them selves!