Lots of daffodils in the garden and other things are blooming (weeds!) too, the garden is showing promise of things to come.
I went to the garden center yesterday and bought some 'little' things in modules and then spent the afternoon planing them in to flower pots. White Geraniums and red and white Petunias for my pots and hanging baskets.
The three tomato plants that I bought last week are still in their pots and are going to go into hte prepared bed in the greenhouse later today. An Alicante, an Ailsa Craig and another I cna't remember the name of at the moment. Three plants will give enough toms for just the two of us and as I can pick them as I want them they won't rot in the fridge! as the shop bought ones do......
I have also planted some of the seeds that SAGA magazine sent as a thank you for renewing our subscription. they are under the little closhes in the green house. Echinacea, aster and Cosmos so far and there are three more packets that need to go directly in to the ground later in May.
I have been doing some sewing too this last week, still hand quilting on the Houses and Heart strings quilt. I have made more of the panels on the Teddy bears day out quilt too. Just have two more of those to make then I can put the top together - then I will show you what I have done.
We have had to accept that Virgin cannot find our old telephone number - it has got lost between Sky, BT and Virgin - after nearly three months we have a new phone number.....the family are not happy. As our Son-in-law said 'how am I supposed to get the old number out of my head!' If he is having trouble just imagin the trouble we are having! We had the old number over forty years! and we have lost it just because someone in this house wanted to have Sky TV! ......he is not flavour of the month and is doing all sorts of things to try and make it up to me......flowers, choccies, meals out.......
All these plants are staying in the green house till they are big enough to cope in the real world!
I put the tomatos into the ground in the greenhouse this morning and also dug over the other bed and removed all the poppy seedlings.....I threw loads of seeds into the flower beds outside last Autumn so I may have flowers there later on. Can't have the poppies taking over the greenhouse another summer! we couldn't move inthere last year!
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