I had a lovely suprise the other day - a fairly substantial 'squishy' was delivered by the postman! it came from one of the girls that I have been encouraging to do P&Q - she has now made 4 fair sized quilts and has a baby one on the go.......but she is leaving me and moving to Selsey. She has sent me a pack of 9 fat quarters as a thank you. they are from the Tabby Cat and are a bundle called 'Heart of the Garden - Ruby wine '. The colours are very different to those I usually use and she has challenged me to make something with them......they are beautiful colours but I am struggling with choosing a quilt pattern!
The garden is looking lovely in the sunshine today - shrubs are coming into bloom or are already blooming like this Camelia, next doors Lilac is loaded with flowers this year, is it because of the hard winter we had? I wonder? all the shrubs look as though they are going to give us a good show this year.
I have been working in the garden today - planting out petunias from the greenhouse into big pots in the garden (I don't put them into the ground as we have too many slugs and I would lose the plants), also planting white Geraniums also into pots in a shady part of the garden - I thought the white ones would give some light to that area. We will see how they look later.
We are off with the caravan on Tuesday, we are off to a site just outside Upton on Severn - why are we going there? - silly question! there is a super quilt show on at the showground in Malvern ! I think this is one of the nicest shows of the year. It is in such a beautiful place at the foot of the Malvern hills, with fields all around and even when it is raining (as it is sometimes when I go) it is a magical place. I shall go to the show on the Thursday and again on the Saturday - unless I hear that friends are coming on other days .......We are not going home till the next Monday so I will have some time to explore the countryside with 007 too.
While we are away my Great Grandson James is having his tonsils out - they have been causing him trouble almost from the moment he was born - and now he is nearly 4 they are going to go! I think he has been on anti-biotics for most of this winter to combat the constant infections! poor little boy. I will have to find him something nice as a gift for when he comes out of hospital.
Have a great time, I'll look forward to hearing all about the show when you get back.
Good luck too to GGS James.
Thanks Sue - I will worry about James, but at least I will have my phone with me for updates. He is having his op on the day we come home - but we have been asked not to go to the hospital for fear of unsettling him.......Mummy Aimee only. Understandable with a 3 year old I suppose.
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