Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Some finished UFO's

 Before I took on the whole cloth quilt that my friend Margaret had startd I had started a couple of quilts - one to hand applique and quilt and one to do by machine.  The red/pink one here was started as an alternative design for my daughter Sarah - she chose the pink quilt show you before - the one with all the applique flowers round the borders!

 This is the quilt I started for myself and I have done the centre and corners and all the little circles in applique an the rest was machined.  This quilt was had quilted as I have to have something to do when I am at group meetings and when I 'watch' tv.  It was from an Australian
magazine and was on the front cover - I had never made the clamshell pattern before and was just going to make that but I got carried away! The quilt was originally in lavender and yellows and as it was going to my quilt I made it colours I like .

This corner shows some of the quilting before I had finished the quilt and given it a wash to get rid of the blue marking lines.

Someone challenged me to make a quilt top using only the scraps from my other quilts! So here we have a Pandora's box quilt made from the left over binding strips of other quilts! I always use two and a half inch bindings  so this was quick and easy to make.  A jelly roll would make it too........

These cushions are from a kit I bought at Festival of Quilts last year from 'The Bramble Patch' and finished in April.

I also bought this bag pattern from The Bramble Patch - but the year before and finally made this in April too.  So quite a month for finishing things.

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