Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Finished at last!

I thought that, those of you who look at my blog sometimes, would like to see that I have finished the quilt I started last summer (2010).  It will go to my yougest daughter Sarah at the begining of March, for her birthday.  This is Sarah and her Husband Gary at a party we all went to in Swanley Kent at the begining of this month, to celebrate a neice's  60th birthday.


Anonymous said...

Brenda, Sarah's quilt, especially the quilting, is wonderful. What a lovely birthday present. Debi

Sewing Granny said...

Thanks Debi, Sarah will get her quilt next Sunday -that's her birthday. I will be 'borrowing' it to take to IQD and for the Thamesiders quiltshow in June - she already knows this.