Thursday, 19 August 2010


Remember the quilt I am making? Well I have finished the applique and have now added the borders to the center.  I have sourced the white 80/20 Hobbs heirloom wadding I wanted, in the size I wanted - a whole piece just the size I need , so I don't have to piece it - great! .  I bought the backing fabric - a white on white small flower design - at the Quilt Show at Sandown in June and that now needs to be pieced - quite a mammoth job and I have to feel like doing it.......! BUT the fun starts here! how do I quilt it? what designs shall I do - feathers? straight lines? in the ditch? cross hatching?  - I think I will spread the top on the spare bed and leave it there for a couple of days and wait till it tells me what it wants me to do!

Thamesiders challenge 'Add a Border' quilt.

In the mean time I have gone back to the Thamesiders challenge 'Add a Border' quilt........this next border must be 13" wide, be curved or woven in style and have a special requirement of log cabin! Help............!
I thought perhaps twisted log cabin for the corners - a block of four in each, but I can't make my mind up what to do for the sides of the border - I think log cabin all round would be too heavy a pattern, besides being an awful lot of work...... I have thought of Celtic trails, or swags, or large and small clamshells  in three colours - what do you think? 13" is such a wide inner border and I don't want to make it too fussy.........I will show you what I have done at a later date - when the brain has got it's self into gear and told me what to do.  I have just realized that this picture does not have all the borders on it that I have made - just added an updated piccie.  The Suffolk puffs (yo yo's) are only pinned in place  in case the next border was a complicated one and the top was begining to look too busy.

Third border in place - with pinned on Suffolk puffs.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

A horrid day - so far!

This morning I have had to go to the dentist - I hate the dentist!  Himself  had to come with me to hold my hand - you would never believe that I am a grown up great grandmother by the way I have quaked today at just the thoughts of this visit!  I hate impressions and that is what today has been all about...........I'm such a whimp!
Thank goodness the rest of the day is a fun day - sewing with friends this afternoon and lace making with others this evening.  To morrow I will be exhausted - but at least I will not be having nightmares about a dentist chair tonight! and I can sleep in -  if Himself doesn't wake me while getting up to go Earlybird swimming at the local pool.

Sunday, 1 August 2010

SewingGranny sews........

Sarah's first quilt
I have been asked to show a friend what I have been sewing lately, so here are a few photo's - sorry if they are wobbly but it is breezy today.   This is the beginnings of a quilt for my youngest daughter, she and her DH have moved at last into the new bedroom they had built onto their house last year and she wants to change her colour scheme from blue to pink.  This is going to be a big quilt to fit their king sized bed. The borders are still to be finished - as you can see there are only three here  - one more to go.......then I have to attach them to the main part and applique the corners.  Then the next lot of fun starts with the sandwiching and the quilting -I shall quilt on my Bernina of course - my hands can't cope with hand quilting any longer....and although I would love to have a frame to put my machine on to it is never going to happen - htey cost too much! so the diningroom will be taken over while I have the machine downstaires on my table in my dining room  and with the help of the ironing board I will manage to support this monster!