Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Strange week!

What a strange week this is turning out to be!  We are having to do a school run twice a day all week this week! we haven't done that for years!  Charlotte's Mummy isn't very well so Charlotte is staying with her Daddy, who stays most of the time with his girl friend and her children (their Daddy died in a motor bike accident a few years ago).  As Stuart goes to work early to avoid the M25 traffic hold ups and Leslie needs to leave by 8:30 and her children all go to a local school, and walk there, we are picking Charlotte up at 8:20 to take her to school the other side of town. 
It seems funny to have to think about collecting her at 3pm and then having her here till Stuart picks her up again around 5:30pm.  We have told him that we will not be able to pick her up from school on Thursday as we want to go and see Joshua and Emily in there schools Nativity play.   I'm looking forward to that........
Today she asked me to wash her hair for her, she was going to the youth group attached to a local church this evening and her hair was 'greasy' she said......she has very long, very thick hair (down to her hips) and it takes ages to deal with it. I think she has trouble doing it her-self, and she likes the way I can blow dry all the waves out of it!

I think that Brian and I are going to be exhausted by the end of the week! and we don't yet know how long we are going to do this school run.........it may be till the end of term, depending on how quickly Charlotte's Mummy gets well again.

1 comment:

Lorchen said...

We completely missed all the snow. Nottinghamshire seems to have been in a kind of corridor, according the the weather maps - very cold but glorious sunshine. And I love snow. Maybe be should consider moving 10 miles in any direction. :)
