I have at last finished the quilt I have been making for the last ......years! It is a pattern from Paula Doyle and started in a workshop with her to try Dawn Cameron Dick's method of Invisible machine applique. I was not very successful with it and finished the applique in my own fashion.
These are the tomatoes we have picked so far this week! lots were eaten by the hungry hoards at the weekend family barbeque at my youngest daughter Sarah's house on Bank holiday Monday. Those in the right hand bowl are those picked this morning. We have had such a glut that I have frozen loads for to use for making soup during the winter.
Bottom draw of the freezer is nearly full of tomatoes!
These are the things that I either bought or had given to me during my visit to the FoQ last month. I bought 4 yards of cream on cream for the back ground fabric for some material given me by a friend - she told me to make something with this! Not sure what to do yet but I have 'Jacobs Ladder' in my mind, but some of the fabrics are so strong in design that I am not sure yet!
I found a great pattern by Lesley Brankin to use Japanese patchwork to make a Kimono quilt. I needed some more of those clever pens by Clover that give you a white line on dark fabric and I needed to know how to care for an old quilt for a swimming friend of DH. Then I was sent, via a friend, some patterns from Amy Butler, with a lovely message from her. I attended her lecture last year at FoQ and recommended her to a friend, who did a workshop with her this year! Then I re-newed two magazine subscriptions and recieved jelly rolls as a thankyou gift, I reckon that my subscription to those magazines was more than halved by the jelly rolls, and some threads from aurofill.

While we were staying in our caravan in Coleshill. DH and I thought we would go and look at Coventry Cathederal again. We had last seen it when it had just been opened to the public and was very new! We were disappointed that the 'New Cathederal' was looking very shabby! the stones were and windows and metal work were very dingy! Some of the displays we had seen years ago of holograms were not to be seen anywhere! The beautiful Graham Sutherland tapestry is fading due to the sunlight coming through some of the windows. All in all a very big disappointment. On the other hand the Old Cathederal was very moving......there were lots of plaques of commemoration and there are services held in the sancutary every month.
We had a great day on Bank Holiday Monday - daughter Sarah did a barbeque for the whole of the family and these three monkeys had a great time - here they are at the top of the climbing frame eating home made ice pops!
I have brought my sewing machine down to the dining room table - and with the ironing table as well, to help support it, I am attemtpting to quilt Jackies quilt! The chairs are there to help stop the quilt from falling to far off the table!!
As you can see from this picture, I have done cross hatching down the 'chains' but there are now a lot of ends to sew in! I tried one of the designs I have drawn in the plain patches but I think I will take them out again - not sure if I like the thread I used on them. I think that the sewing machine might be on the table for some weeks - given my progress this week!
I have not been feeling well - had a dreadful cough, nothing else! and have been feeling very tired because of it! We go away for a weeks holiday to Bude in Cornwall in a week or so amd I am not taking this quilt with me! I thought I would be far enough along with the quilting to be able to put the binding on, but I don't now think I will be!