Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Holiday in Cornwall - part one

We have just come back from a very cold weeks holiday in Cornwall.  We find travelling all that way in one go a bit too much these days so we stopped off in Devon for a couple of nights first.  We found a delightful Bed and Breakfast place in Lydford (we never book a B&B in case we need to stop earlier and you can always find something somewhere ). This one was on a farm where they have some rare breeds and some ordinary animals but not a hugh farm with hundreds of cows and sheep.  The farmers wife ran the B&B and she was so hospitable that we are keeping her telephone number with a view to going there again.  She kept the chickens and geese and we were served fresh eggs for our breakfast - you can certainly tell hte difference from the super market ones.
While staying there we did a bit of nostalgia visiting - we used to camp in the area when the children were small and haven't visited for years, so we had to go and look at the church on the top of Brent Tor and the Cross on another Tor and of course we had to go down Lydford Gorge to see the White Lady falls.
While visiting Tavistock, a little way away I found a very nice patchwork and quilting shop near the Pannier Market and of course I bought a few things in there!
For another nostalgia trip we visited Morwhellan Quay - oh dear I wsh we hadn't - when we took the children many years ago now - it was a busy tourist attraction with the Quay working and all the assosiated trades and shops around and all the people wearing costumes of a bygone era - it is now nearly derelict - nothing working and no one there, so sad !

Cothele house and terrace garden.                                             Some of the Rhodedendrons   

Looking from the terrace over the vally gardens to the viaduct and across the moors.   

 So we went to have a look at a National  Trust property called Cothele over the border in Cornwall - it was the wrong day to be able to go in the house but the gardens were glorious! the Rhoddies and Azalias were in full bloom and looked superb! We had a nice lunch in the 'inn on the Quay' and walked round the gardens in the warm sunshine.  A great day out in the end.