May is nearly with us and I haven't blogged for ages.......we have been busy, have had more birthdays, dreadful colds, done some gardening, cleared the greenhous - you know all the usual busy household things.
We spent a day at Polsden Lacey - lovely National Trust property on the North downs. The weather was superb - we walked round all the gardens and lawns and woodland - found loads and loads of cowslips -n ot seen thes growing wild since I was a young woman - they apparently like the chalk soil of the downs. The house is worth a visit too - it s not like the usual NT property where you are kept behind ropes and can only view from a distance - here you can wander round the furniture sit on the armchairs, wind up the gramophone, pick up hte books and magazines laying around and even have a game of billiards in thebilliard room, while listening to someone playnig the lovely old Steinway piano.

I have been sewing still and have got stuck on how to quilt a Maple leaf quilt top......I will work something out I know, but in the meantime I have made a couple of table mats and have been using some of my stash to make a mock up of a quilt for my youngest daughter - she wants one in pinks this time. Her new bedroom is nearly finished - just another coat of paint on the walls and the raidator installed and a carpet on the floor and she and her DH will move in there. I made her other quilt nearly 10 years ago in blues and although it is still on her bed and is still good she wants a change!
I have had a bowl of fruit standing on the green and cream mat and hadn't realised that there was an imprint of the bowl on it! Ah well it does show that we use what I make.
I have also done the next 'round' on the stay-at-home Round Robin at a later date .......promise!